VARINA Brand Variety Pack - 7 Pack


VARINA Brand Variety Pack - 7 Pack

Product description


The VARINA Brand Variety Pack includes Sardines prepared SEVEN different ways, all of which are inspired by world-renowned chefs.  Each can of Varina represents a different interpretation by chef and artist blending tradition and modern Portuguese regional culture.

  • 2- Sardines in Olive Oil, Lemon & Thyme (Chefe Joao Rodrigues)
  • 2 - Sardines in Olive Oil with Parsley, Green Mint, Green Cardamom, and Pink Pepper (Chefe Rui Paula)
  • X - Sardines in Olive Oil with Oregano & Chili Pepper (Chefe Bertilio Gomes)(Out Of Stock)
  • 2 - Sardines in Olive Oil with Basil, Jamaica Pepper, and Cinnamon (Chefe Vitor Sobral)
  • Sardines in Olive Oil with Mint, Green Cardamom, and Piri-Piri (Chefe Diogo Rocha)
  • X - Sardines in Olive Oil with Oregano, Ginger, Black Pepper, and Coriander (Chefe Noelia Jeronimo)(Out of Stock)
  • X - Sardines in Olive Oil with Sweet Chili pepper and Spicy Smoked Paprika (Henrique Sa Pessoa) (Out Of Stock)

This Portuguese-sourced brand imported exclusively by Tin Can Fish packs a delicious punch. With it's wide array of options, this Variety Pack has enough in store for everyone to enjoy!

* Note - may replace varieties with another Varina variety if inventory runs low.  You always will receive 7 Varina Brand items.

*  This special kit has delivered pricing to your door.  Shipping is 2-3 days via USPS or FedEx. Available in US only - all 50 states.

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