Portuguese Sardines And Why They're So Special
Portuguese Sardines And Why They're So Special

Sardines may not be everyone’s idea of the perfect pizza topping, but in Portugal, they’re considered a delicacy. An intricate part of Portuguese Read more

sustainable seafood
The Simplest Guide to Sustainable Seafood 

Individuals, communities, and nations must commit to sustainable means of seafood harvesting and consumption. Still, it can be hard to know where to start shifting habits and perspectives on a massive scale. What sort of changes do we need to ...

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wild-caught vs farm-raised debate
Wild-Caught vs. Farm-Raised Fish: The Ultimate Debate

Though farmed fish has a bad reputation, it is not as simple as farmed fish = bad and wild fish = good. Farming practices, fishing practices, and flavor preferences are all important considerations. The debate between buying farmed or wild fish is complex...

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peri peri peppers
What Is Peri Peri (or Piri Piri) Sauce?

 It is a spicy topping of African origin, an artifact of Portuguese colonization of Africa. Today we’ll explore the sauce’s history and better understand: what is peri peri sauce?

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what do sardines eat? what eats sardines?
What Do Sardines Eat? And What Eats Sardines? A Lesson in Food Chains

In their natural habitat, sardines are part of a complex food web. Understanding their natural prey and predators helps us better understand and protect the ecosystems they live in.

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Lisbon, 15 traditional portuguese foods to try
15 Traditional Portuguese Foods to Try

Portugal's proximity to the water has most notably influenced its dishes in the way of seafood, but it is also known fo...

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What is aquaculture
What Is Sustainable Aquaculture?

Farmed fish has a bad reputation for being environmentally unfriendly. However, sustainable aquaculture is possible and can be a viable source of protein as we move away from beef and other resource-intensive meats. What exactly is sustainable aquac...

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Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Coronavirus (COVID-19)

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are re-evaluating our processes in order to make sure that our customers receive their product on time, without overwhelming our shipping partners.

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what is bycatch?
What Is Bycatch? How to Avoid Supporting Bycatch

The global fishing industry is staggeringly large and continues to grow every year. But along with this growth comes a significant consequence: bycatch. What exactly is bycatch? And how can we avoid su...

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are sardines sustainable?
Are Sardines Sustainable? Depends on the Fishery

Particularly with food habits, we can be part of massive industry shifts based on the companies we support and the food products we buy. So what about sardines? Are they sustainable? Well, it all depends on the fishery.

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